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MizonSnail Wrinkle Care Sleeping Pack

19.95 €
5 atsauksmes

Tilpums: 80 ml

Tilpums: 80 ml
19.95 €
Just imagine: your skin is miraculously rejuvenated while you sleep 😴 ‘Not bad’, you’ll say. ‘Quite real’, the researchers of Mizon will answer you, because they created a unique anti-aging night mask with Snail Wrinkle Care Sleeping Pack. This mask, in addition to the snail extract, famous for its cosmetic qualities, is also enriched with vitamins and proteins, which provide the skin with all the necessary nutrition. Thanks to this composition, the dermis synthesizes collagen faster, which means only one thing — the anti-aging effect is provided to you. Make the application of Snail Wrinkle Care Sleeping Pack the last step of your daily care and you will forget about wrinkles and the first age-related changes for a long time, and instead...
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Snail mucin faltratte, glycerin, water, cytyl ethyhexanoate, buylene glycole, dipropylene giycol, celtearyl alcohol, cyclopentasiloxane, lemon peel oil, olive oil, orange oil, bergamot fruit oil, orange extract, citrus extract, pinus sylvestris leaf oil, lavender extract, clara oil, rosewood oil, eucalyptus globulus leaf exact, lime oil, coriandrum sativum (coriander) fruit/leaf extract, sage oil, mugwort extract, camomile extract, shea butter, caulerpa racemosa extract, glacial milk, deep ocean water, tremelia fuciformis (mushroom) extract, yeast fermented filtrate, black yeast ferment, fornes officinals (mushroom) extract , bean extract, dioscorea japonica root extract, caulerpa racemosa exact, vanila fruitl extract, honey extract, shittim...
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Apply as the last step of your nighttime skincare regimen. Leave on overnight and rinse off in the morning.
Just imagine: your skin is miraculously rejuvenated while you sleep 😴 ‘Not bad’, you’ll say. ‘Quite real’, the researchers of Mizon will answer you, because they created a unique anti-aging night mask with Snail Wrinkle Care Sleeping Pack. This mask, in addition to the snail extract, famous for its cosmetic qualities, is also enriched with vitamins and proteins, which provide the skin with all the necessary nutrition. Thanks to this composition, the dermis synthesizes collagen faster, which means only one thing — the anti-aging effect is provided to you. Make the application of Snail Wrinkle Care Sleeping Pack the last step of your daily care and you will forget about wrinkles and the first age-related changes for a long time, and instead of flabby and tired skin, you will get a toned, beautiful face contour.

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Snail Wrinkle Care Sleeping Pack

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5 zvaigznītes
5 atsauksmes
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Pirkums apstiprināts
Lieliska maska

Maskas ir daudz, sejai vajag tikai nedaudz un ar ādu tā dara brīnumus. Viņa ir saspringta, starojoša, vienota no rīta. Konsistence ir tāda... "mucinoša", man personīgi ar to nav problēmu, bet zinu piemēram, mana māsa neliktu šo uz sejas :-) tāpēc apsveriet to, ja esat jūtīgāks/jutīgāks līdz konsekvencei.

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Pirkums apstiprināts
MIZON maskas gliemezis

Esmu ļoti apmierināta, maska labi klājas, bieza un elastīga, labi iesūcas. Pēc nakts seja tiek pabarota.

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Pirkums apstiprināts
Kāda nakts maska

Lietoju jau vairākus mēnešus un man ļoti patīk. Tas ir nedaudz staipīgs, bet labi iesūcas.

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Ildikó Koleszár
Pirkums apstiprināts

Pagaidām masku ļoti labi panesu un tai ir patīkama, patīkama smarža!! 🥰

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Pirkums apstiprināts
Nakts pretnovecošanās maska

Lietoju šo masku divus mēnešus un esmu ļoti apmierināta. Tam ir lipīga konsistence, bet tas nejūtas neērti uz manas sejas. Pēc 5 minūtēm es pilnībā aizmirstu, ka man uz sejas ir maska. Tas lieliski mitrina un līdzsvaro ādas toni. Pirmo nedēļu lietoju katru vakaru, divas nedēļas katru otro dienu. Pēc tam es to lietoju 2 reizes nedēļā, vienmēr 2 stundas pirms gulētiešanas. Tagad es to lietoju tikai reizi nedēļā. Tā kā korejiešu kosmētika darbojas kompleksā, tad lietoju to kopā ar Mizon's Regenerating Toner and Night Serum.

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Abonējot es piekrītu noteikumiem un nosacījumiem