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Micro Pin Spot Patch 0007713_1
Piesitiet Un Turiet, Lai PalielinātuNovietojiet kursoru, lai palielinātu

Some By MiMicro Pin Spot Patch

9.97 ā‚¬
1 atsauksmes

Tilpums: 9 pcs / 1 sheet

Tilpums: 9 pcs / 1 sheet
9.97 ā‚¬
Micro Pin Spot Patches are created for local treatment and protection of various rashesšŸ˜Œ These transparent patches fit perfectly on the skin and are almost invisible, so they can be used throughout the day even under makeup. They absorb impurities while protecting the dermis from infections and thus prevent the formation of scars after inflammation. The product contains tea tree and salicylic acid, which cleanse and protect poresšŸ˜Œ The product from the Some By Mi brand shortens the healing time of acne and helps reduce inflammationšŸ‘Œ
1. Attach the patches to the necessary areas and press firmly for 3 seconds. 2. After wearing for more than 4 hours, take it off carefully. It is important to catch problems in the early stages to prevent the rash from getting worse.
Micro Pin Spot Patches are created for local treatment and protection of various rashesšŸ˜Œ These transparent patches fit perfectly on the skin and are almost invisible, so they can be used throughout the day even under makeup. They absorb impurities while protecting the dermis from infections and thus prevent the formation of scars after inflammation. The product contains tea tree and salicylic acid, which cleanse and protect poresšŸ˜Œ The product from the Some By Mi brand shortens the healing time of acne and helps reduce inflammationšŸ‘Œ

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Micro Pin Spot Patch

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